Year: 2014 | Month: June | Volume 2 | Issue 1

HIVAIDS Education A Capsule for Peace in Secondary School

Lokanath Mishra
DOI:Coming Soon


Teaching of sexual and HIV/AIDS education in schools now the subject of debate and discussion for promotion of peace in the society . The topic has around three key issues I) The stage of introducing the topic, 2) what kind of curricula is appropriate and 3) who is qualified to provide such teaching. India made attempts to introduce sexual and HIV and AIDS education at the secondary school level. Although this has had benefits, it has not been without its challenges. This paper discusses current sexual and HIV and AIDS education in secondary schools for peace and analyses the content and quality of the curricula being implemented, focusing primarily on current life skills and HIV and AIDS programmes and the ability of teachers to effectively convey accurate information. The paper also analyses how sexual and HIV and AIDS education can be improved, and serve as a model for promotion of peace in the country

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